We are happy to announce two new additions to the Elite Animation Academy Family, Brittany Sprouse and Ricardo Reyes. Brittany will be teaching a number of classes at our Tampa Studio – This Winter she is teaching Anime Manga on Saturdays. Ricardo will be teaching Digital Animation classes in our Orlando Studio. 

Please Welcome Brittany and Ricardo!

Anime / Manga Instructor – TAMPA
Brittany Sprouse  graduated in 2011 with a Bachelors in Fine Arts in Media Arts and Animation from The Art Institute of Tampa. For the past few years I have been an in house artist working on cell phone applications. Doing everything from creating icons and ad’s to animating in game characters. Some of the programs I use are Paint Tool Sai, the Adobe suite (including: Photoshop, Priemere, Illustrator, and Flash) as well as 3D software such as 3DS Max and Maya. I also illustrate freelance doing wide ranges of styles including Anime/Manga.

3D Maya Animation/ 2D Flash Animation /Digital Sculpting/ Instructor – ORLANDO
Ricardo Reyes was born in Venezuela, raised in Miami, Florida and currently living in Winter Park. I have been interested in 3D for as long as I could remember. Since the day I received my Nintendo 64 for christmas I knew that this was what I wanted to be a part of. Games and movies have always been a huge part of my life and upon discovering that people created them for a living I knew that this was what I wanted to a part of. I started getting involved in 3D art my freshman year of high school by modeling in blender 2.4 and I’ve never looked back, I’ve dedicated my life since then to figure out where I fit in the pipeline and now with animation as my goal I’ve strived to bring forth the best work I could possibly make.